Thursday, December 16, 2010

something pretty..... possibly millions of fairies?

this is until they start eating our plants...

then they will be described simply as @#$%$^ pests...!


  1. yeh!! right becky while they chew into my brain demolish the lawn, garden and devour the rhubarb . The chooks and birds are stuffed and cant move. Bring on Africa. They don't have pestilence and plagues ,droughts and floods!!! Val

  2. ummmmmm are you sure about that???

  3. That top shot is brilliant Rex. Thankfully they haven't made it down our way yet, or maybe they have but have been blown back!

  4. Thanks kylie... quick up date.....LOCUSTS are digusting.... You are very lucky not to have them.. I dont know what will be left of our garden when we get back. so this is for them @#^%&$^%& >>>%^$&^%(^$%!!!!!!!!!
